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1. Sorrow (CD完全版)
2. Summer (50秒試聽版)
3. Haze & Maze (50秒試聽版)
4. 不告而別~for the once cherished~ (50秒試聽版)
5. Beyond the Destiny (50秒試聽版)
6. 第九名 (50秒試聽版)

Track 1 - The Hurricane - Sorrow
Music: Felix Lam
Lyrics: 楊熙
Arrangement: The Hurricane
Producers: Felix Lam & Puiching Ho

人從來習慣盼望 可以為著某人不理什麼都去闖 
船還是會泊岸 為何這麼趕
人為何學會盼望 請看路上某人走過但永沒回望 
誰可捱過十尺嚴寒 有天海都會 枯都會乾

*誰又蠢得竟會為誰人受傷 誰又蠢得竟去一天天盼望
難道你信撐過了浪 浪停後會找到對岸 

明臺從沒有變樣 所有亦沒有全都靠自己一個想 
完全沒有印象 為何要感傷
和誰人度過晚上 都似未遇過如果放下了舊模樣 
誰可捱過萬千色相 未放低不要 哭不要想
Repeat **

Track 2 - The Hurricane - Summer
Music: Felix Lam
Lyrics: Angela Tong
Arrangement: Felix Lam
Producer: Jan Ho

靜靜去聽天氣預告 怕下午起了霧
預備笑聲加愛意無數 往熱帶小島

沒掩飾 興奮心情
尚有許多 事情高興
就要與你手牽手 共你去往那方去 伴你飛

*溫馨氣息在風裡搖曳 期待著我的戀愛假期
一切那樣美 寫滿我日記 到他朝我會亦想起
天空也顯得通透明亮 燃亮夏季的主角原是你
當抱著你不必理任何天 氣

靜靜去聽戀愛預告 喝完咖啡散步
入夜看星披上你外套 暢遊這海島
在這刻 釋放心情 尚要珍惜 眼前風景
若要與你手牽手 就哪會怕風雨 伴你飛

Track 3 - The Hurricane - Haze and Maze
Music: Ahvia Yeung & Felix Lam
Lyrics: Monsterprincess
Arrangement: The Hurricane
Producer: Jan Ho

In distant scarlet moonlight
I wish that I will be in your Neverland
In secret navy starlight
I've found no way to reach this end
What should I be
Where should I go
If I could see
Please set me free

*My breathe is melted away
My heart is dying in your sway
You hold my hand lead me to maze
Let me fade away
My dreams are miles away
I don't know what should be the way
Just for a moment…
Couldn't heal when all my dreams are broken

I'm floating on the sea breeze
I'm searching for another reason to live
I'm wheeling in the sunlight
Out of the shadow I can breath
Fly in the sky
Embrace the sea
Now I can see
Please set me free


Your heart is cold like clay,
Now I know all the games you play,
You hold my hand,
Lead me to maze,
Let me fade away.
The sun will shine one day,
I'll find the way back from astray,
Just for a moment…
I will see the last hope in the heaven.

Track 4 -《不告而別》~for the once cherished~
Music: Angela Tong
Lyrics: Angela Tong
Arrangement: The Hurricane
Producers: Felix Lam & Puiching Ho

曾話過 跟我一起去飛 找這生的趣味
此刻怎可相信 你親手寫上的 每一句話

誰料你 失約於一瞬間 選了這種告別
我只想祝福你 可惜彼此已經 再不見面

當初只盼可 相依一起
怎可怪我 我錯了嗎

曾 痛著流淚 笑著擁抱  一起嬉戲
在最黑暗中 給我最真鼓勵

誰也絕無可取替的你 給過的一切
是那風雪中 真切的依賴

Track 5 - The Hurricane - Beyond the Destiny
Music: Ahvia Yeung + Felix Lam
Lyrics: Angela
Arrangement: The Hurricane
Producer: Jan Ho

Hopelessly cry in the rain
I just couldn’t kill the pain
No matter do anything
All in vain

#I can't find
Any place that belongs to me
I can't find
Anyone who can rescue me

*I feel tired of being here
Nothing can wipe away my tears
Time will not heal the wounds existed
Beyond life and death

I feel haunted of being here
Nothing can suppress my fears
There is nothing worth expecting
Beyond life and death

Losing way in the dark
I just couldn't light up my path
Searching ways to quit this game
All in vain

Repeat #**

Track 6 - The Hurricane - 第九名
Music: Ahvia Yeung
Arrangement: The Hurricane
Producers: Felix Lam & Puiching Ho

算了吧 動了心不過我極怕 
若是再次愛錯了 會痛多一下
放棄吧 沒結果只有嘆造化 
無奈我太過在意 或你未對我講真話

*跟你早已經其時極安定 可惜我一清醒 淪為第九名
沒有上帝替我作證 亂判的罪名
想你想說清 為何未敢認 始終也搞不清那月老的繩
沒有自信戰勝過去 更不識反應

雨在下 累了嗎今晚掛念嗎 
並沒有答案你卻說 要休息一下
再會吧 若你一早已厭倦我 
誰又會再去在意 在哪兒碰上你跟她


All songs above
Bass by Jan Ho
Drums by Cheong Chan
Guitar by Ahvia Yeung
Keyboard & Programming by Felix Lam
Lead & Backing Vocal by Angela Tong
Producers: Felix Lam & Jan Ho
Co-producer: Puiching Ho
All songs mastered by Puiching Ho